Can a cfo become a coo?

As chief financial officers have expanded their roles and skills, they have increasingly moved to the position of chief operating officer. A CFO-COO can also benefit from major company transformations, such as M&A transactions.

Can a cfo become a coo?

As chief financial officers have expanded their roles and skills, they have increasingly moved to the position of chief operating officer. A CFO-COO can also benefit from major company transformations, such as M&A transactions. A CFO will determine the risks and benefits of the operation, while a COO will handle the integration process. However, an operating CFO has the necessary perspective to identify potential drawbacks and valuable opportunities in the integration process to increase the value of your company.

Jeremy Van Ek is chief operating officer of the American Marketing Association and was previously the chief financial officer of Trisect, a retail and digital marketing agency. Many companies are revolutionizing senior management and taking advantage of the multidisciplinary opportunities that a hybrid position of chief financial officer and chief operating officer (CFO-COO) can bring to their organization.

Dave Sylvan
Dave Sylvan

Subtly charming twitter fanatic. Professional travel junkie. Award-winning zombie enthusiast. Passionate coffee evangelist. Evil food fan. Social media junkie.