What is the position next to coo?

Short for the top executives of a company, the term C-suite derives from the first letter of the high-level executive titles used by many large companies. The most common top management positions are executive director (CEO), chief financial officer (CFO) and chief operating officer (COO).

What is the position next to coo?

Short for the top executives of a company, the term C-suite derives from the first letter of the high-level executive titles used by many large companies. The most common top management positions are executive director (CEO), chief financial officer (CFO) and chief operating officer (COO). These high-level leaders, also known as C-level executives, make decisions that can determine the success or failure of their companies. In many companies, CIOs can also be referred to as chief technology officers (CTOs), although some companies can hold both positions.

In top management, the most outstanding positions are CEO, COO and CFO: the CEO, the Chief Operating Officer and the Chief Financial Officer.

Dave Sylvan
Dave Sylvan

Subtly charming twitter fanatic. Professional travel junkie. Award-winning zombie enthusiast. Passionate coffee evangelist. Evil food fan. Social media junkie.