Who was the longest serving cno?

The current chief of naval operations is Admiral Michael M. Despite the title, the CNO has no operational command authority over the naval forces, John M.

Who was the longest serving cno?

The current chief of naval operations is Admiral Michael M. Despite the title, the CNO has no operational command authority over the naval forces, John M. Richardson (admiral) · Deputy Chief of Naval Operations · William S. The position is a statutory position (10 U, S, C.

Separately, as a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (10 U, S, C. Despite the title, the CNO has no operational command authority over the naval forces). The CNO is an administrative position based in the Pentagon and oversees Navy organizations as a person appointed by the Secretary of the Navy. The operational command of the naval forces is the responsibility of the combat commanders, who report to the Secretary of Defense.

Admiral Vernon Eugene Clark is a retired admiral who served as Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) of the United States Navy. Admiral Vern also outlines his top five priorities: manpower, current preparation, preparation for the future, quality of service and alignment when he became head of naval operations, and what that meant in practice for him and his teams.

Dave Sylvan
Dave Sylvan

Subtly charming twitter fanatic. Professional travel junkie. Award-winning zombie enthusiast. Passionate coffee evangelist. Evil food fan. Social media junkie.