Motivating Employees and Increasing Productivity: The Role of the Chief Operating Officer

Learn how Chief Operating Officers (COOs) can motivate employees & increase productivity by communicating their vision for success & developing long-term strategies.

Motivating Employees and Increasing Productivity: The Role of the Chief Operating Officer

Communication is a key skill for any executive, especially those in the position of Chief Operating Officer (COO). It is essential to be able to express your operations strategy in a way that not only resonates with your management peers, but also motivates employees at all levels to work together towards business objectives. This includes celebrating successes, recognizing staff contributions, and giving credit for completed projects that improve operations and the supply chain. The COO is an executive with a leadership role, but the company's goals cannot be achieved without the participation of staff at all levels. An experienced operations manager knows how to attract people and generate enthusiasm for the company as a team.

A COO with experience in supply chain management is the ideal person to provide the leadership that today's companies need to address these challenges. The responsibilities of the chief operating officer also include working with human resources in managing and mentoring staff, as well as in staff evaluations. Alexander Tuff '03 is the Chief Operating Officer and Chief Strategy Officer of Winged Keel Group in New York City. Due to regulatory changes in the early 2000s, some companies eliminated the position of COO. Changes in the price of raw materials, transportation, labor, or manufacturing operations can be catastrophic if the operations manager and other executive officials are taken by surprise.

Therefore, CEOs and COOs of today's companies often come from supply chain management backgrounds. This has led some companies to complement the function of COO with the managerial position of supply chain director or CSCO or to replace the COO with a CSCO. As a high-level executive, the chief operating officer must demonstrate leadership and help develop a long-term strategy. These are just two of the many supply chain issues that require visionary leadership and intelligent management by the CEO in charge of operations. A recent Glassdoor search for operations director positions found about 4,000 job offers across the country. The chief operating officer can be involved in many aspects of the business, including marketing initiatives, planning and strategy, and financial reporting.

Therefore, supply chain management is a career path that can lead not only to executive positions such as director of operations but also to reach the top of the organization. Supporting the CEO and the company as a whole in a way that drives success and growth in all aspects of the business is the ultimate responsibility of the chief operating officer. So what strategies do chief operating officers use to motivate employees and increase productivity? The COO must be able to communicate their vision for success in a way that inspires employees at all levels. They must also work with human resources to manage and mentor staff, as well as evaluate their performance. Additionally, they must be able to develop long-term strategies that address supply chain issues while providing visionary leadership.

Finally, they must support the CEO and company as a whole in order to drive success and growth.

Dave Sylvan
Dave Sylvan

Subtly charming twitter fanatic. Professional travel junkie. Award-winning zombie enthusiast. Passionate coffee evangelist. Evil food fan. Social media junkie.